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“I THIRST FOR YOU” We find no better summary of what we are all about than the words of Pope Francis: “Knowing Jesus is the best gift that anyone can ever receive. That we have encountered Him is the best thing that has happened…

Parish Mission Statement… Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, through its members, is called to be a sign and sacrament of salvation to the entire Catholic community.Essential to this Mission is the work of spreading Christian life and teachings. …

A faith-based community educating students from preschool to high school and beyond. Rooted in the Catholic tradition, Shrine Catholic Schools challenge students to integrate their academic, athletic, and artistic potential as future Christian…

Catholic Church & School St. Michael’s many dedicated organizations and generous, hard-working parishioners witness to the truth that the Church is not only divine, but makes good sense, too! We are not alone in life, nor are we…

“Ad majorem Dei Gloriam”…for the Greater Glory of God. We are founded on the 450-year-old Jesuit educational goal of forming men for others for the Greater Glory of God. Our graduates are leaders in their communities; they…