EX CORDE ECCLESIAE Founded in fidelity to Christ and His Church in response to the call of Vatican II for greater lay witness in contemporary society, Ave Maria University exists to further teaching, research, and learning at the undergraduate…
Promoting a free and virtuous society. At Acton University, you will: Build your own curriculum. Choose from more than seventy courses ranging from the theological and philosophical, to the policy-oriented and practical. Learn from world-class…
Cultivating Catholic Minds. The Catholic University of America is unique as the national university of the Catholic Church and as the only higher education institution founded by the U.S. bishops. Established in 1887 as a papally chartered…
Situated on 113 acres of wooded land in the City of Novi, the school has a laboratories, 4 computer labs, a Learning Strategies Center, Wi-Fi access throughout, two gymnasiums, a 4,500 seat athletic stadium with an advanced turf system and several…
Artist · Art Restoration Service · Product/Service Religious statue repair and restoration in southeast Michigan. The Studio: E. A. Hayes Studio is a sacral arts and restoration studio based out of Southeast Michigan. Specializing in vintage…
ACADEMICALLY EXCELLENT. PASSIONATELY CATHOLIC. Embrace your unique talents and gifts. Spur your mind to enlightenment. Help your convictions gain strength. Let your life serve as a witness to the world. Your knowledge, illuminated by faith,…
Celebrating Over 30 Years of Faith-Filled Education! The purpose of Huron Valley Catholic School is to help young people achieve academic excellence, receive Christian formation, and mature in Christian character and spiritual wisdom. Huron…
The New Evangelism For The World. Lord Teach Me To Pray is a three-part Ignatian prayer series developed in 2001 to meet the desire of men and women for on-going spiritual growth as they respond to the call to holiness and to a deeper commitment…
Educating Women Who Make a Difference Mercy High School, a Catholic college preparatory school immersed in the tradition of the Sisters of Mercy, educates and inspires young women of diverse backgrounds to lead and serve with compassion. Mercy…
“I THIRST FOR YOU” We find no better summary of what we are all about than the words of Pope Francis: “Knowing Jesus is the best gift that anyone can ever receive. That we have encountered Him is the best thing that has happened…