“Ad majorem Dei Gloriam”…for the Greater Glory of God.
We are founded on the 450-year-old Jesuit educational goal of forming men for others for the Greater Glory of God. Our graduates are leaders in their communities; they strive to be competent, religious, loving, open to growth and committed to justice.
We offer this kind of education because we want our students to do well, but also to make a difference in their world. When originally founded more than 450 years ago, their goal was to do God’s work, to work with others for the good of all in the service of the Kingdom of God. Jesuit education helps students to realize that talents are gifts to be developed, not for self-satisfaction or self-gain, but rather, with the help of God, for the good of the entire human family. “Ad Majorem Dei Gloria,” for the greater glory of God.
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